Mr. President, once upon a time, you came to Winterset, Iowa, campaigning at the John Wayne Museum. That was the third time I had gotten to meet you and shake your hand. The others were in Newton, Iowa, Winterset (at the High School), and at the State Fair of Iowa. Yes, that’s a total of four times. You even nicknamed me “Little John Wayne.” Was it the black cowboy hat, or was it my slow Texas drawl? Not really sure which, but nonetheless, I have proudly carried the moniker.
Why this letter now? If you Google me, you’ll note that I have been a grassroots activist and conservative campaign consultant for years. I am writing you in the hopes that this letter finds you in a positive frame of mind, that you’re healthy, and that you’re having a blessed day. Now for the good stuff.
I want you to know a couple of very important truths.
- We conservatives (pretty much across the board) recognize what is happening “to” you.
- We are fully aware that most (if not all) of the lawsuits and criminal charges brought against you contain more holes than the Titanic.
- We are fully cognizant of the fact that (again) most, if not all, of these are designed as a last-gasp attempt by the Biden Administration to stop you in your re-election efforts.
- Lastly, we support you and will vote for you in November despite these feeble attempts to punish you for your decision to run in 2024.
Mr. President, if you have down days (nobody would blame you if you did), know that you have tens of millions of fans cheering you on. Know that the silent majority is just that, we may be silent, but we are the majority of America who desperately want and need a true American patriot back in the Oval Office.
You will never know the unbridled gratitude that we have for you desiring to serve once more as our nation’s Commander and Chief. You speak for “We the People” and our desire to remain a “free people” and not under the control of the World Economic Forum, which it seems everyone on Capitol Hill wants us to be part of. You are the stopgap who can return sanity to this run-amok, crazed leftist crowd who seems to think that the vast majority of us want their bizarre behavior being taught to our children.
You’re correct, sir. We do not want to be forced to live in 15-minute cities or drive electric cars. And yes, I happen to like my gas stove. It still cooks a great turkey. I don’t want my grandchildren to be forced to sit and listen to some trans person read stories about how much Steve loves Larry. They will get married, and Larry will give birth to their new baby. You, sir, are the stopgap, and we applaud you for it.
Smile, think positively, and know that we are all praying for you. I want to personally thank you for your grit, determination, and loyalty to our country.
God Bless Mr. President and keep fighting the good fight!
Ken Crow (kwrcrow@gmail.com)