As former President Trump begins his campaign in earnest for re-election, he has been speaking increasingly about the threat of a World War III. He touts that under his administration, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia would not have happened. He claims that China would not be threatening Taiwan today if he were still President.
Of course, none of these campaign statements can be refuted, primarily due to the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin and China’s leader Xi Jinping were, for the most part, behaving themselves when Trump was America’s Commander and Chief. Trump had even managed to corral North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Rocket Man (as Trump had nicknamed him) had made a hobby out of firing long-range missiles over the bow of Japan and frightening the poor Japanese into hiding. After Trump visited North Korea, all of that stopped, and we heard little from the young dictator until after Joe Biden was inaugurated.
Say what you want about Donald Trump. You can make an argument for; he is loud, he has a filthy mouth, he picks fights with the media when he doesn’t need to, he brags too much, he is a hot-head, and anything else you care to say. But the one thing you cannot deny is this guy had the world under control, and we were not being threatened with a nuclear holocaust.
In yesterday’s Wall Street Journal, the headlines were; Violent Clashes Trigger Fears of New War in Europe.
The article begins with the following;
BRATISLAVA, Slovakia—U.S. and European diplomats are rushing to contain spiraling violence at the heart of Europe and prevent a fresh conflict on a continent shaken by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
The clashes took place in Kosovo, one of a string of small Balkan nations created after the violent breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s. The eruption of violence left dozens of people wounded this week, including Italian and Hungarian servicemen.
As we know, sometimes, “history does repeat itself.” Almost these same identical players’ involvement would be the start of World War I, “arguably the bloodiest war in human history.”
To inflame the situation in Ukraine and Russia, the Ukrainian military has been launching drone attacks on Moscow’s neighborhoods (killing civilians) rather than military targets. This has infuriated Vladimir Putin, who is once again threatening to use nuclear weapons on Ukraine.
This is a news report about the latest developments from Sky News:
With a near-total lack of leadership coming from the United States, there is now little doubt that war on the continent of Europe is escalating and expanding. One of the most concerning aspects of the expanding conflicts within Kosovo, Latvia, and the other “former Soviet states” is undoubtedly NATO nations will be dragged into the conflicts. With NATO’s policy of “Where One Goes, We All Go,” you can readily see that this war between Ukraine and Russia, and just down the street, a new war is breaking out, and this will likely escalate very quickly.
If America keeps its NATO agreements, our nation will be dragged into centuries-old disagreements in Europe, and now China won’t feel any threats to go ahead and invade Taiwan.
The War of Armageddon, as spoken of in the Bible, is likely one of the most controversial dinner-time subjects over the past 1,500 years than any other topic. Countless theories have been brought forth as to “where, when, who is involved, and what” started this great war (if there is going to be a war of this magnitude).
Much can be speculated as to ‘what starts’ the great war. Looking at today’s situation, several things appear imminent and are not up for speculation.
- Iran has nearly completed its nuclear enrichment to begin building nuclear weapons, thus becoming a nuclear state.
- Iran’s former President, as well as all of the Ayatollahs of Iran, has publically stated on many occasions that when they obtain “the bomb,” they will be testing it on Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Iran is a very fundamentalist Islamic State, meaning that they adhere to the Koran to the letter. Muhammed commanded that all Jews and Infadels be eradicated. This in and of itself causes Iran to seek to destroy Israel.
- In a shocking recent development, Turkey’s President recently called for “All Islamic Nations” to unite and confront Israel. He also said this in a phone call to the Iranian Raisi.
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu is left with no options. Iran doesn’t negotiate in good faith (as evidenced by their repeatedly breaking nuclear agreements), and with their repeated threats over the years, Netanyahu cannot take that chance.
When Joe Biden became President, he (for intents and purposes) gave Iran the ability to complete its nuclear ambitions. With America’s weakened appearance globally, Iran is not threatened by the United States getting involved in a Middle East conflict. Iran knows full well that we are strung out in Europe and now likely the Western Pacific as well. This only emboldens the Iranian Islamic regime.
The end result is Israel, for the time being, is on her own for survival. This means that Israel is going to be forced into taking out (bombing) Iran’s nuclear capabilities before they’re completed.
Iran will retaliate in a ground war; Turkey will likely back them up along with Syria and possibly even Egypt. The question now becomes, what influence or involvement will the United States take in such a war or conflict?
As previously stated, Israel has zero options. For peace and stability in this tiny nation, they must take out Iran’s ability to manufacture nuclear bombs and rockets. This is imminent as Iran is now at 86% enrichment, and they only 90% enrichment to begin making these weapons of mass destruction.
If you are of the praying type, you may want to say a prayer for Israel. Expect this to be the site of the next hot spot going forward in today’s climate.