Is Donald Trump a Villain?
If one is to believe the lawsuits and criminal charges, Former President Trump is a cross between Al Capone and Jesse James. If one is to consider the mainstream media, then one has to believe in their heart that Trump rapes women at random, scams large insurance companies, rips off major banking institutions, is psychotic when he thinks the 2020 elections were tampered with, and is business partners with top Russian mafia oligarch bosses.
This is what our American mainstream media, the White House, various Attorney Generals, prosecutors, and the Democrat Party would have you believe. For years, the Democrat Party has tried to convince the American people (with the assistance of a complicit media apparatus) that Donald J. Trump was in bed with the Kremlin in rigging the elections of 2016. Neither the party nor the liberal media could grasp that Trump could have possibly beaten the most reviled woman in this nation. When, in fact, he did defeat her legitimately.
Then came the elections of 2020. The vote tally was 81,000,000 votes for Joe Biden and 74,000,000 votes for Former President Trump. It doesn’t take an astro-physisist to calculate that the total was somewhere north of 155,000,000 votes. Considering that (according to our national census ), America had (in the vicinity of) 165,000,000 registered voters in this nation.
Everyone (those who stayed up late) remembers when the voting machines in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, and others went down at precisely the same time (around 10:00 PM). Everyone also remembers that Trump had a commanding lead in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia. And when I say commanding, I mean in Michigan, for instance, he had a lead of hundreds of thousands of votes. When the machines were turned back on in the wee hours of the morning, votes were again being tabulated. Only now, Biden was receiving “all of the votes.” In Michigan, Trump did not receive one vote after the machines were restored and began calculating again. How does one candidate receive over 300,000 votes and the opposing candidate not receive one vote? Do you honestly believe that this happened in a half-dozen states? The media and the Democrats claim, “these were all mail-in ballots.”
If you believe this scenario, then you must believe that during COVID, in excess of 90% of America voted in this election. Again, these are not my numbers, these numbers came from the Federal Government! For the record, Ronald Reagan has the largest turnout in American history back in the 1970s, with a little more than 60% voting.
Considering how the mass media and the Democrats have spun this, is it any wonder that many believe this fraudulent lie? Today, if you dare to question the veracity of this event, you’re considered and painted as a conspiracy theorist. All practical thinkers would agree that “something is rotten in Denmark” surrounding the 2020 election. It involved computer systems, computer chips, the Internet, and states filled with corrupt politicians, proving it is an entirely different animal. But you know it happened.
Just because Donald Trump, a few friends, and millions of Americans believe something happened doesn’t mark him as a villain or crazy.
Donald J. Trump, the Martyr
When you have hundreds and possibly thousands of government bureaucrats becoming quite wealthy off of government positions, you have, by definition, a swamp. Due to laws regarding lobbyists, PACs, and Insider Trading, government employees and elected officials can garner and amass wealth fairly quickly on Capitol Hill. And herein lies the problem. These scoundrels want to keep their jobs, and they will do so, no matter the consequences.
Donald Trump’s first large mistake upon entering the White House was to announce the banishment of (he signed executive orders) government elected officials from becoming lobbyists. Then he announced that he was “draining the swamp!” He immediately became “ENEMY NUMBER ONE” in Washington, D.C. Keep in mind that this is the city where a person can serve 10 years as a Congressman, then join a Military Industrial Complex corporation as a lobbyist and earn upwards of seven figures a year in salary. And this is now what Trump was fighting and much more.
Now Trump had a target on his back: “We must get rid of this clown who is going to upset our applecart and take away our gravy train.” George Soros hates Donald Trump, so he has New York Attorney General Letitia James go after him for something that every real estate developer in this nation does on a daily basis. Believe this: Bank of America doesn’t loan $300,000,000.00 to someone without doing their own due diligence and homework. Yet, the Judge “whom Soros supported,” and James, “whom Soros funded the campaign for,” did what their boss told them to do. Go after Trump and break him.
Nancy Pelosi repeatedly lied about Trump offering National Guard Troops for January 6th. This has now come out, and in addition, the Kangaroo Court Committee, led by Liz Chaney and the gang, have been proven liars in much of their witness’s testimony.
Another one of George Soros’s minions, “Fani Willis” in Georgia, has been busted for meeting with White House lawyers to draft the case of Election Interference against Trump. This is in addition to her corrupt self hiring her boyfriend (who was a divorce lawyer) to prosecute this bogus case. Then we have a woman who doesn’t recall dates, specific locations claim rape, and another corrupt Soros Judge slaps a conviction and a $90,000,000 judgment against Trump. FACT; A woman who endured an actual rape will remember the exact date, time, and location of that event, I can assure you.
What you now have is a White House and Democrat Party scrambling to throw enough crap against the wall in the hopes that some of it sticks. The Democrats overplayed their hand, and the American people can clearly see it. By piling on so many charges and so many criminal complaints, what the SWAMP and the Democrats have successfully accomplished is to create Donald Trump the Martyr. Nobody can be guilty of so much in such a short period of time, and again, the American people see this.
We, the People of this nation, can clearly see what is going on, and it will be “We the People” who send Donald J. Trump back to the Oval Office.