In the end, are you better off today than you were four short years ago?
Ken Crow
Some call me a radical. Some call me an anarchist, but most call me a patriot. Having invested some 4-decades volunteering and managing campaigns, I can truly offer the positive as well as the underbelly of politics to you the American people.
America is at a crossroads in our history. Do we continue with the American dream, or do we fall prey to the weak liberal ideals which have destroyed so many countries before us?
Having been ranch raised in a rural environment, I believe in the old-school. A warm handshake, truth, honor, integrity, and the forgiveness of our Lord God.
My writings will both enlighten you from the inside of politics and patriotism for our country. Join me as we fight together to save this great land, we all call home.
I asked him once, "Sir, why are you doing this?" "Why not just buy a small island,...
And once again, we have "Deja-Vu" 2012, and we lose the general election. If this happens, you...
Until this nation turns its collective face back toward God, this will only continue to dissolve into...
We, the People of this nation, can clearly see what is going on, and it will be...
Lock and load, America. This is about to get real, and it's not going to be pretty.
The evidence is clear: the Democrat Party is the party of Satan. Case closed!
The proof of his negligence is overwhelming, and he is clearly guilty of dereliction of duty as...
One thing can be said for certain: this is the most interesting presidential campaign in American history.
The agents were there to provide security for the new Vice-President and President of the United States.